Freehold Computer Training Center at PC Warehouse

22 Alexander Ave.,  Freehold, NJ 07728
(732) 577-0606, E-mail:

Dear Student and Parent,

Re: Computer Institute for Children

Thank you for your interest in a computer enrichment program for your child.

Thirty years ago, the Center founded the Computer Institute for Children, well before the public and private schools began to incorporate computers in the curriculum. By the mid 80s, I quite honestly thought that except for teacher training, the schools had finally caught up with computer education, and therefore, the Center went on to focus its computer training in the adult and business world. However, judging from your recent phone inquiries, it appears that the schools and the community are not meeting the needs and challenges of certain children interested in computers. Therefore, the Center proudly announces the reopening of the Original Computer Institute for Children.

The Computer Enrichment Program will be consist of the following model:

Formal Computer Instruction

What makes the computer tick? Hardware, Windows operating systems

Multimedia: graphics, sound, music, animation

Computer games of strategy and simulations

Individually Guided Projects

That students learn best when they have to figure something out on their own is certainly not new. That is especially true when applying it to understanding of the computer. Articulating about it, documenting it, writing about it, or making a presentation about it, is another matter. Students will be encouraged to do the latter as well.

Students will be asked to choose a project or a general area of exploration by the third session. Students will be given additional instruction or guidance as needed to do research on their own.

Enrollment Requirements for Charter Students

Ages: Mixed, approximately 10-13 or 5th- 7th grades (Other ages and grades will be accepted in separate groupings as warranted)

Strong interest, above average aptitude for computers

Commitment. During the fall term, enrollment will be for the full term.

Respect for equipment and other individuals. Any student causing any kind of disturbance or dangerous situation will be warned appropriately. The Center reserves the right to remove such student from the program. Please speak to your son or daughter about this policy.

Schedule: Oct 16 - Dec 18, Thursdays, 5:15 pm. - 6:15 pm, 9 sessions (one December snow day, no class on Thanksgiving)

Fee: $315 payable in full by Oct 10th. Sorry, no credit for absences; no make ups; missed content will be provided either online or via email .

Minimum of four students in a group. Please note that to keep the cost down for everyone, the Center will not be advertising and is depending on word of mouth plus previous contacts to form a group.

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Enrollment Form

Name_________________________________________ Age ___ Current Grade ____

Student's email _________________________________ o I give permission to contact my child using this email address
Parent's or other email ___________________________ o I prefer your using this address when contacting my child
All email addresses will be held in strict confidence. No email list will be disseminated by the Center for any purposes other than those related to the Computer Institute for Children or for general information of the Freehold Compute Training Center.

Address _______________________________________ Town __________________

Phone No. ________________________ Alternate Phone No.____________________

Computer experience and interests _________________________________________

o Enclosed is my enrollment fee of $_____, which is fully refundable should the Center be unable to form group. I agree with the terms of this program as outlined in this letter.

o Not interested now, but keep me informed about this and other programs.

Parent’s Signature