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Overcoming Office 97 Annoyances1

Word 97 Annoyances

  1. "Word ate my fonts!"
  1. "Move that table!"
  1. "All gone!"
  1. "Is it cc:, pc: or just c:
  1. "Misbehaving Tab"
  1. "Help the blind see, help the deaf hear, help the unformatted format!"
  1. "Disappearing Tab Settings"
  1. "Where did that come from?"
  1. "Where’d they go?"
  1. "My thesaurus speaketh!"
  1. "Line up, please!"

Excel 97 Annoyances

  1. "January Fractions!"
  1. "No Print Gridlines Default" Symptom – Create spreadsheet, Print Preview, and voilą, no gridlines
  1. "What was I thinking?"
  1. "AutoComplete, Grrr!"
  1. "So what about Y2K?"
  1. "My money won’t line up "

Remember: It’s not your fault!

1Disclaimer - The Freehold Computer Training Center is not associated in any way with similarly titled books
All software is the registered trademark of its respective publisher.

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